Aamir Khan’s new venture is his debut in television with a reality show called Satyamev Jayate. The bollywood actor/producer’s show airs May 6th simultaneously on Star Plus and DD1, which is a rare phenomenon for any Television series. The show is also to be dubbed in southern languages Telegu, Tamil, Malyalam and Kannada.
Satyamev Jayate is about lives of ordinary men and their realities of life. In this show Aamir travels extensively over several weeks to various places in Rajasthan, Kashmir, Kerala, Delhi, Punjab and several North-Eastern states to portray the basic essence of the show.
Satyamev Jayate which means truth prevails also has a theme song which is a love song that reflects Aamirs passion for making this serial-‘ the love for the country and relate with each Indian’ .The theme song of this show is composed by Ram Sampath while lyrics are penned down by copywriter/song writer Prasoon Joshi.
ThemeSong: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXg6Usdjl5c&feature=relmfu
The website: http://satyamevjayate.in/